Quality Guarantee
Our entire business philosophy is based on the idea that if we provide high quality account intel to our clients, we will succeed together. If you identify any inaccuracies in our account intel within 30 days of the verification date, we will replace it at no additional cost. That said, please keep in mind a few realities about the nature of account intel, as relates to quality:
Firstly, you may have noticed that Signallo is able to furnish data points that aren’t available elsewhere. That’s because we collect 100% of our account intel via our own primary research (read more about Our Methodology). This often includes surveys, interviews, and other methods of direct communication with individuals who have the information we’re looking for. While we are very proficient at filtering responses for quality, sometimes we receive inaccurate or incomplete information from these individuals.
Secondly, the data we typically collect, by its nature, has an expiration date. When we collect account intel, we believe it to be accurate at the time of collection. However, due to the changing nature of business, all account intel eventually becomes obsolete. That’s why some of our clients work with us on a retainer basis, ensuring we can keep their understanding of the competitive landscape up-to-date at all times.
Finally, as a closing thought, each member of the Signallo research team is committed to being the Hattori Hanzo of account intel. If you aren’t familiar with the reference, Hanzo was a fictional character depicted in the Kill Bill movie series as a master Japanese sword-smith, renown for the painstaking care he infused into each katana he crafted. We take the same “master craftsman” approach to gathering account intel, and we strive to present all our clients with data that would be worthy of Hanzo’s strict quality standards.