Our Methodology

Dear reader,

Pleased to meet you, my name is Mick Dinnen and I lead the research team here at Signallo. 

You came to read about our methodology, and I’d like to frame that topic in relation to the problem Signallo is built to solve, which we (somewhat uncreatively) refer to as:

The problem with outbound.

Below I’m going to summarize the problem with outbound in a few short sentences. If it doesn’t resonate with you, then you can happily skip the rest of this letter, as we have nothing to offer you.

Of course, if it does resonate, then keep reading to find out how we solve the problem with outbound, along with details on how you can try our service for free.

The Problem

During my many years as an Account Executive, I would often stare at the ceiling fan at night saying to myself: 

Self, I sure wish I knew more about my target accounts. Like…

  • Which competitor is each of them using today?

  • How satisfied are they with that competitor?

  • Can their current solution do X?

  • What is their biggest pain point?

  • And how likely are they to switch vendors at their next renewal cycle?

… If I knew all that, it would be easy to figure out which accounts I should focus on and exactly what I should say to get their attention. I would be a superstar!” 

And then my basset hound would kindly tell me that I already am a superstar, and to please repay the compliment with a suitable snack. 

I’m not exaggerating when I say I became obsessed with figuring out how to answer those questions, predictably and at scale. For the better part of six years, I tried every clever approach imaginable (and some not-so-clever ones, too). None of them worked. Then one day I came across five simple words that would change my life forever: “Simple is better than clever.” 

The Solution (spoiler: it’s simple)

At Signallo, we use an old fashioned device called a telephone, and we call your target accounts with it, and we ask them a bunch of questions about their current solution provider and the pain points (if any) they’re experiencing. Then we write down the answers and give them to you.

Sorry if that was anticlimactic. 

Seems too simple doesn’t it? Like it couldn’t possibly work? 

Here’s why it does work: When we speak with your target decision makers, we’re just a research firm collecting feedback. We’re not salespeople trying to sell something. We don’t have an agenda. As a result, they let their guards down and share their open and honest feelings about the way things are today. Simple is better than clever.

For more specific details about what an engagement with Signallo looks like, refer to the 6 Step Method, Data Point Menu, and FAQ listed on our homepage.

How We Define Success

Depending on your industry, up to 20% of your competitors’ accounts are likely to switch vendors this year. Do you know who they are?

Our goal is to provide you with account intel that enables you to do two things: 

  • Easily identify which target accounts are currently unsatisfied with your competitors and considering a change.

  • Understand the individual pains and limitations they’re each experiencing with your competitors’ solutions, so you can orient your messaging around those points for optimal response rates. 

In the course of completing 100,000+ account intel calls to date, we’ve developed strategies to achieve surprisingly high conversion rates at a cost that makes sense for our clients. And because we conduct our calls in a conversational manner (not just a survey), we often collect organic and valuable feedback that goes beyond the standard data points listed above.

The Offer

I’d love the opportunity to have my team research 100 of your target accounts as a free sample.* No signatures, payments, or any other obstacles like that in the way. All we need is an account list and we’ll get after it. We can even customize the data points to your liking, with candid input as to the viability of each, based on our experience.

*Your company must meet the criteria listed on our homepage to qualify for this offer.

What Our Clients Are Saying

I get the fact that you’ve probably never heard of Signallo before. And the things I’m suggesting in this letter might seem farfetched. The truth is, we’re just getting started. But our clients are already saying some pretty cool stuff about us. Among my favorites:

“Side note - I was reluctant [to leave a review] because I don’t want the competition honing in on this little honeypot we found, but I guess we can’t keep you to ourselves forever.”

— Marketing Director at a SaaS Company with >1,000 employees

“[What we found most impressive was] the owner’s business ethics and his commitment to providing the service he described.”

— Marketing Director at a HealthTech Company

“They have great intel, and Mick is very open to ideas.”

— VP of Sales at a Uniform Rental Company

You can read the other independently-verified reviews comprising our 4.8 star rating on Clutch here: https://clutch.co/profile/signallo

The End

If you’d like to take advantage of the free offer, or if you have other questions first, I’d welcome you to email me directly at mick@signallo.com or click here to schedule a call for us. 

Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day ahead.


Mick Dinnen

Discuss your project with us today.